Rotary Systems
Rotary Assembly and Testing Systems
Rotary Assembly and Testing Systems are commonly used system configurations for semi and fully automated plastic assembly and testing systems. Systems that revolve around our core business technologies are our specialty.
Hot plate welding, spin welding and ultrasonic welding are commonly integrated into a semi or fully automated rotary systems. The compact foot print associated with a rotary system is even more attractive when considering incorporation of other secondary operations such as leak testing, labeling and part marking which are generally integrated easily into these types of systems.
Rotary Automation System Technologies:
- AB Programmable Controllers
- Servo Indexer
- Wireless Communication Network
- Part Sensing
- Vision Verification
- Servo / Pneumatic Pick & Place
- Hot Plate Welding
- Spin Welding
- Ultrasonic Welding
- Leak Testing
- Function Testing
- Interchangeable Tooling Fixtures
- Part Marking
- Part Sorting