Why Leak Testing?
What is Leak Testing?
Finding holes or voids in parts which allow them to pass air or fluid when they are designed not to leak.
The Goal of Any Leak Test
Differentiating clearly and consistently between good parts and failures in as fast a time frame as possible.
Reasons to Leak Test
- Product Safety & Liability
- Medical components may cause injury or death when leaking during or after procedures (heart catheters, IV sets, etc…).
- Automotive components may cause injury or death when leaking in operation (flammables and brake related components).
- Appliances may cause electrocution of the user (irons & steamers).
- Quality Control
- Most common method of testing bonded plastic components which require hermetic joints.
- Testing parts following assembly can alert maintenance to setup problems with welding equipment.
- 100% testing virtually eliminates field failures related to the bonding/joining process.