Spin Welding vs. Ultrasonic Welding Methods



Typically higher cost. Spin motors and control systems are less common and mechanical actuators must be designed to withstand rotational torque, resulting in increased manufacturing costs. Typically lower cost. Ultrasonic components are relatively common and the mechanical actuator may be designed without regard to withstanding rotational torque, permitting reduced manufacturing costs.
Typically higher joint strength with a given material due to ability to weld parts with much higher engagement area and material displacement during the weld. Typically lower joint strength with a given material due to limits in part to part engagement area and material displacement.
Particulate and flash are commonly produced (amount is application and material dependant). The increased process friction and larger engagement areas and amount of material displaced during the weld create higher potential for excess material exiting the joint area. Minimal to no particulate/flash (application and material dependant) due to limited degree of material displacement during the weld.
Ideal for welding soft materials such as PP and PE due to aggressive nature of the spin process. Difficult to weld soft materials such as PP and PE due to the materials absorption of the gentle ultrasonic amplitude instead of adequate transfer to the joint area.
Slower cycle times:
  • Orientation = 1.0 to 3.0 sec typical
  • Inertial = 3.0 to 6.0 sec typical
Faster cycle times:
  • 0.2 to 1.5 sec typical
Can easily weld most semi-crystalline engineering resins including PA, POM, PBT, PPO & PET due to aggressive nature of spin process. Difficult to weld some semi-crystalline engineering resins such as PA, POM, PBT, PPO & PET due to the gentle nature of the ultrasonic process.
Limited to welding parts with circular joint. Allows welding of parts with many joint shapes/geometries.
Increased ability in joining dissimilar materials due to aggressive nature of the spin process. Limited success in joining most dissimilar materials due to gentle nature of the ultrasonic process.
System components generally quite durable (servo motors/amplifiers). More difficult to damage componentry. Very few wear items and most are relatively inexpensive. System components are fairly delicate (convertors, power supplies, horns, etc…) and tend to have a limited lifespan.
Only Orientation (Servo Motor) systems allow welding by Time, Collapse Distance and Absolute Distance. Many systems allow welding by Time, Energy, Collapse Distance and Absolute Distance.
Occasionally more difficult to automate as the spinning part half must engage the driver.  However, parts designed to interface with a 10Ëš engagement driver (no drive features) and no orientation requirements can most often easily automatically loaded/welded. Generally easier to automate as the vibrating part half does not necessarily need to engage the horn for adequate welding to occur. However applications without flat interface of horn/part will require more complex placement.
Process fairly immune to even moderate part size and geometry changes due to increased material displacement and ability to weld even when making high initial part to part contact. Process very sensitive to even minute part size and geometry changes due to limits in material displacement and minimal initial part to part contact requirements.